Tuesday 19 June 2007

Had the interview at BCUC this morning. All went well. Interviewed by both Clive Perraton Mountford and Elizabeth M. Smith, Clive being the course leader. Not too sure of Elizabeth's exact role - must be a tutor of some sort. Throughout the interview felt great at the prospect of the course. Asked as to why I wanted to do counselling and in particular person-centred counselling - replied similar to what was in my personal statement I sent with the application, that it felt right for myself. They talked about the effort and time required, especially in the second year once more actual counselling is engaged in. Indeed, Clive said at the outset our aim is to try and put you off wanting to do the course. They didn't succeed in their aim. I guess this to make sure they only get committed people on the course, who are able and willing to put in the time and effort required.

At the end of our time Clive asked do you have any further questions. I replied no, to which he replied with a question of "Do you still want to do the course?" I said "Yes, when do I find out if I'm accepted?". He replied now, saying "Yes, you're on the course." Then I asked about some reading to do over the summer before the course starts. Elizabeth said she'd email me the course reading list.

So another part of the journey into full time counselling begins. Clive did say not to expect to walk out of the course into a such a counselling position. It can take another year to get full time employment. Be that as it may, the time factor will not deter me. Sure it would be great if it could all be sooner, but then most good things take and time and effort.

It is interesting to note that Clive trained in person-centred counselling under (not sure that "under" is the correct word to use? Perhaps "with" would be a better choice?) Brian Thorne, at the University of Anglia. So he should have a good foundation.

Have started reading "Skills in Person-Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy" by Janet Tolan. Only read a few pages so far, but it has given an excellent analogy of person-centred counselling:

Imagine a flower - in order to grow fully it needs the right conditions, such as good soil, right amount of water, sunshine, etc. This can be like us as individuals - in order to grow fully we need the right conditions. Person-centred therapy provides the right conditions for growth of congruence, empathy, unconditional positive regard, etc. Interesting thoughts.

As the ARC coordinator will not be until Thursday will need to wait until then to make contact to see if they are willing to take me on.

At the evening counselling class had our final essays returned. Gained a 'Good Pass'. Had been hoping to gain a 'Very Good Pass', but am content with this, particular as it relates more to psycho-dynamic theory and with my acceptance on the person-centred diploma my attention is now somewhat divided. Though not must give up on the current course and continue faithful until the course completes.

Have also contact the No5 counselling agency based in Reading. They appear to be similar to ARC in that they primarily offer counselling to young people, using a person-centred approach.

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