Monday 16 July 2007

A Powerful Day

A powerful day and it's not over yet. Sitting in the car writing this on my phone, while waiting for D to finish teaching for the day.

I've not mentioned much regarding my faith and membership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints previously. Why not? Not sure. Partly as initially thought it has little or no direct relationship to counselling. But as that all forms part of who I am, I suppose it does.

Today the relevance is towards emotions and feelings. Just after 11am this morning left our son M at Heathrow airport, catching a flight to the Missionary Training Centre in Provo, Utah. He's there to learn Cantonese before travelling to Hong Kong, where he'll serve as a missionary for the church. This means we won't see him for approx. 2 years. A great mixture of sadness and joy in all this. Sadness at missing him, but joy in the opportunity it gives him to serve others and to render that service in another culture, where he will learn so much.

Then during the afternoon attended a production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat", put on by D's primary school class. It was indeed amazing - seeing 10 year olds singing and performing so well. Shed quite a few tears. Both for the children performing so well and being reminded of Joseph of old and our relationship to him through Ephraim.

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