Thursday 13 September 2007

First day at BCUC Counselling course

Well, it was great - thoroughly enjoyed the day. All in all gave me further emphasis to carry on with the progress towards work as full-time counsellor. We did each sign a confidentiality agreement, that we would not reveal anything dicussed in the community. So I'm not sure that much can be related here about the day, expect the type of events and activities that took place.

A good portion of the day was taken with what would be termed administrative details. Needed to be done, but did seem to take an inordinate amount of time. Still, next week there should be nothing of that nature to interfere with the learning and experiencing. But the question perhaps is why did I find the administration stuff such an interference with the day? Why was I so keen to get on with things? At the end of the day there was to be a second community meeting that didn't really happen as we ended up talking about lifts for those who had to catch buses and trains home and some other "housekeeping" bits. Everyone one was catered for, so no one had to travel home on public transport. We concluded at 20:00 as per the schedule, so I got home just after 21:00 after dropping off someone who also lives in the same town as myself. Yet I left wanting more - I could have stayed for another hour!!

We were discouraged, strongly so, from taking up any placement offers until next Easter. So will need to contact No 5 and offer to stay on reception duty until then.

Until next week...

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