Thursday 18 December 2008

Frustration ...

Got involved with a problem at work and time was getting close to when I might have my first appointment at the youth counselling agency where I'm doing my placement.  Phoned to check if I had a client booked in.  Yes, there was a new client coming at 19:00.  So I left work at 18:40 and finally got to the agency at 18:55.  Ran the door bell to get let in and asked if anyone else had run the bell to be let in.  Apparently no-one had.  Came to 19:15 and no one had turned up.  Phoned the number left, to contact the client on, but it was a dead number.  Maybe it was transcribed wrong? Anyway could not get in contact to check if I'd missed her or not.  Also, my 20:00 client had canceled again saying he was away for the time being. Perhaps it's Christmas?

So a little frustrated at turning up in a hurry to find no one here.  Things happen.  As this will be the last Thursday before the 8th January 2009, hope all will return to normal sessions after the holidays.

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