Wednesday 17 October 2007

Hospital stay...

Wasn't going to mention this, but as the technology is available might as well use it. Today is Wednesday, so will recount what has happened since being admitted Monday evening. Had been experiencing chest pain most of the day. Beth drove me to a DIY store, when the pain started getting worse, coupled with breathlessness. We decided to see if Heatherwood minor injuries would be able to help. They were. Was seen straight away and admitted to the Assessment ward. Nurses, Doctors and other staff all wonderful. Will add more later - only 8:50 but feel worn out. Its now 14:20 so will add some more. Had a blood test and an x-ray. Results came Tuesday morning. Apparently my heart is okay, but there is a possibility of a blood clot on a lung. So am having a CT lung scan. It was hoped to have it Tuesday but turned out no availability. Having it today (Wednesday) at 14:30. Tuesday was spent sitting, well, laying on the bed reading. Just back from the CT scan. Weird feeling as they pump the liquid through your veins - a warm feeling flowing around your body, culminating with a feeling that I had just wet myself. The scan operator was quick to point out its only a feeling, not reality. Earlier today had more blood taken - this time from an artery. First attempt did not succeed - was quite painful and nearly passed out. Second attempt was much better for me - no pain,just a little uncomfortable. Shortly the cannula was put in ready for the scan.

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