Thursday 22 May 2008

Been a while...

Hi again - as the title of this post says, it's been a while since I posted here. 17th October 2007 was the last post and today is the 22nd May 2008. That's 7 months!! Didn't realise it was quite so long. I shall make an effort to keep more up to date. Why though? Mainly been too involved in the BCUC Person-Centred counselling diploma, to have enough time. I said BCUC, which stood for Buckinghamshire Chilterns University college. It is now known as BNU - Buckingham New University.

The journey has been continuing...

The course is a challenge. Not so much intellectually - more in terms of the personal development expected and required. Well, expected is not the exact word to use, as that would imply absolute necessity and that you would not succeed in the course without personal development and while the word does not seem right, actually that is the case. But still the word expected does not sit right with me - it does not feel the right word to describe the process. Part of that reason is personal development and growth cannot be forced. It is like a lot of things the more you try to force it the further away it ends up.

You need to be ready to be different.

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